Friday, December 19, 2014

I have moved on to a different blog.


For those scant few readers of this blog, I would like to re-direct you to my newer blog at

I will be featuring talks/seminars/activities related to sustainability, wellness, and community building as well as featuring some headlines of the week.

Hope you can make it and thanks to those who have visited.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Search of the day (August 7)

Vox (4 AUG 2014) A university president gave up $90,000 to give his minimum wage workers a raise

Urbanful (7 JULY 2014) What is the true cost of free parking?

Climate Progress (5 AUG 2014) Six major shipping companies will slow down to protect whales

Mother Jones (4 AUG 2014) 40 million people depend on the Colorado River.  Now it’s drying up

Stephanie L. Castle, Brian F. Thomas, John T. Reager, Matthew Rodell, Sean C. Swenson, and James S. Famiglietti.  Groundwater depletion during drought threatens future water security of the Colorado River Basin. (2014) Geophysical Research Letters. 
DOI: 10.1002/2014GL061055

USA Today (10 JULY 2014) Water level in Nevada’s Lake Mead drops to all time low

National Geographic (30 JULY 2014) Groundwater depletion in Colorado River Basin poses big risk to water security

Journalist’s Resource (30 JULY 2014) The pen is mightier than the keyboard: Advantages of longhad over laptop note taking

Jouranlist’s Resource (24 JULY 2014) Health benefits of urban vegetation and green space: Research roundup

Journalist’s Resource (12 DEC 2011) Analysis of health, safety and greening vacant urban space

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis – Documenting the intangible effects of nature on human well-being

Global Policy (4 AUG 2014) As gap between rich and poor widens, global safety net in danger

NY Tmes (5 AUG 2014) A new report argues inequality is causing slower growth.  Here’s why it matters

Standard and Poor Global Credit Portal (5 AUG 2014) How increasing income inequality is dampening US economic growth, and possible ways to change the tide.

Blue and Green Tomorrow (3 AUG 2014) Science fiction could be influencing peoples view on climate change

Urbanful (5 AUG 2014) Air conditioning is cooking the planet